What will the Post 9/11 Veterans Educational Assistance Act do for me?

《皇冠体育app》为在9月10日之后累计服役至少90天的个人提供教育和住房方面的财政支持, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. 你必须获得光荣退伍才有资格享受《皇冠体育app》.

Some of the benefits the Post-9/11 GI Bill will pay include:

  • Your full tuition & fees 所有州内公立学校的学生都可以直接到学校,如果你符合100%的资格. For those attending private or foreign schools tuition & fees are capped at the national maximum rate. Click here for more information.
  • A monthly housing allowance (MHA) based on the Basic Housing Allowance for an E-5 with dependents at the location of the school. 对于那些只参加远程学习的学生,支付的住房津贴相当于有家属的E-5的全国平均BAH的一半.
  • An annual books & supplies stipend of $1,000 paid proportionately based on enrollment.
  • This benefit provides up to 36 months of education benefits, generally benefits are payable for 15 years following your release from active duty.
How do I start using my Post 9/11 benefits?

Apply for your benefits by completing VA Form 22-1990, Application for VA Education Benefits online at www.gibill.va.gov选择一所你想上的学校,并确保它获得退伍军人福利的批准. 一旦你被学校录取,和辅导员谈谈,选择一个学位项目. Register only for courses required under your degree program. 要求以前所有教育机构的成绩单和你的军事成绩单,并对它们进行评估,以获得可能的学位学分. This is a DVA (Department of Veterans Affairs) requirement.

Am I eligible to transfer my Post 9/11 benefits to my spouse or children?

9/11后的退伍军人法案允许军人将全部或部分未使用的福利转移给他们的配偶或受抚养的子女. 国防部(DoD)决定你是否可以将福利转移给你的家人. 一旦国防部批准转移福利,新的受益人在退伍军人事务部申请. To find out more, visit the DoDs website

What will the Montgomery GI Bill do for me?

蒙哥马利退伍军人法案将为您提供每月教育津贴,以帮助您支付教育费用. The monthly benefit amount depends upon the number of credits you take each term, the length of each course, and the length of your initial enlistment. 在标准的16周学期中,12个学时或以上被认为是全日制. Please access the following website for current pay rates www.gibill.va.gov/GI_Bill If you are eligible for the College Fund, you will receive additional monies. You may be eligible for 36 months of full-time educational benefits, provided you completed your initial obligation with an honorable discharge. Benefits are payable for 10 years following your release from active duty.

How do I start using my Montgomery GI Bill?

Apply for your benefits by completing VA Form 22-1990, Application for VA Education Benefits online at http://vabenefits.vba.va.gov/vonapp. 选择一所你想上的学校,并确保它是退伍军人福利的批准. 一旦你被学校录取,和辅导员谈谈,选择一个学位项目. Register only for courses required under your degree program. 要求以前所有教育机构的成绩单和你的军事成绩单,并对它们进行评估,以获得可能的学位学分. This is a DVA (Department of Veterans Affairs) requirement.

How does the Department of Veterans Affairs know to pay me?

The campus Veterans Coordinator will certify your enrollment. DVA将处理您的索赔,并将付款直接发送到您指定的银行账户.

收到MGIB或Selected Reserve的学生必须每月核实他们的入学情况才能收到付款. This verification can be done either by using the Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) system or by using an automated telephone system (1-877-823-2378)

When will I receive my first payment? How do I find out the status of my payments?

从你的福利申请和入学证明被学院处理之日起,新申请人应该在8-12周内收到你的第一笔款项. You will be paid retroactively from the first day of class. 一旦您收到第一笔付款,后续付款将在每月的第一周存入.

Students may inquire about the status of a pending claim by calling 1-888-442-4551 (1-888-GI Bill-1)

Must I attend school full-time to receive my benefits?

No. You may take as many or as few courses as you feel you can comfortably manage. 你的月供将由你注册的学时数和你的课程长度决定. For instance, if you are a full-time student taking 12 or more semester hours, 每个月你继续参加培训,你将获得全职福利. If you are a part-time student taking less than 12 semester hours, your monthly benefit checks will be reduced accordingly. 您必须注册半天或更长时间才能从DVA获得每月付款. If you are enrolled for less than half-time, or if you are on active duty, 你将收到一笔一次性支付的学费或每月的福利金, whichever is less. Exception: Chapter 33 pay is different.

Will I automatically receive benefits next semester?

No. 学生必须在每学期开始时提交退伍军人学生身份通知表. 退伍军人协调员将审查你的学习计划,并证明你所注册的课程是完成学位课程所必需的. Certification of Enrollment will then be sent to the Processing Office.

What happens if I withdraw from a course? What if I fail a course?

如果你退出一门课程,DVA可能会要求你偿还这门课程的钱,除非你退出的原因超出了你的控制. If the DVA accepts your reason for withdrawing as being beyond your control, you will be paid through the last day of attendance. If this is the first instance you withdrew, DVA可能会考虑存在减轻处罚的情况,而无需您解释,因为您退出了一门或总共不超过6个学时的课程. 注意:你必须向你的退伍军人协调员报告课程安排的任何变化,以避免多付你的教育福利.

如果你没有通过一门课程,而这门课程是毕业所必需的,DVA会付钱让你重修. However, 你必须保持令人满意的学业进展,以你的累积平均成绩和你尝试过的学分数量来衡量. If your progress becomes unsatisfactory, 你的福利将暂停,直到你在学位课程中取得令人满意的进展.

Can I enroll in any course I want?

No. Once you are placed into a program, you can only take classes that are required under that program; DVA will not pay for a course that cannot be used in your degree program. 此外,DVA不会为你已经参加并成功完成的课程支付费用.

Can I change my degree program?

Yes. The DVA allows you to make a plan change. You will need to select a new program of study, 对你以前的所有学分进行评估,并填写“更改课程或培训地点请求”(VA表格22-1995).

What if I am called to Active Duty?

Once you have received orders, you have the following options:

  • Drop all classes and 100% of the tuition and fees will be refunded.
  • Withdraw from all classes and receive a "W" grade. Please note there will be no refund of tuition and fees.
  • Make arrangements with the instructor to receive an incomplete grade.
  • 从现役返回后完成工作,并将未完成的等级转换为字母等级. Please note failure to complete the work will result in a failing grade.

请注意,您的决定可能会影响您通过州和联邦计划获得的任何学费援助或经济援助. 请尽快咨询退伍军人协调员和经济援助办公室.

What about transcript requests?

Submit official transcripts for evaluation to the Office of Admissions and Records, including your DD-214, and transcripts from prior colleges and military service schools. DVA需要对你的军事训练/经历和所有之前的大学学分进行评估. All transcripts must be submitted and evaluated by the end of your second semester; otherwise DVA will stop your benefits.

What information can I obtain by calling 1-888-442-4551?

这条免费电话每天24小时提供DVA教育福利信息, seven days a week. 自动化系统提供了广泛的信息关于DVA教育利益和具体的个人账户信息. You may also access the following web site for additional information: http://benefits.va.gov/gibill/